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Orthodontic Benefits

orthodontic benefits

Orthodontics benefit not only your smile and confidence but also your oral health. If you’re wondering whether you should get orthodontic treatment, the proof is in the results. Below are just a few of the reasons why orthodontic treatment can change your life.

Why Braces?

Protruding or misaligned teeth can cause you to have a bad bite, which can result in a range of problems from difficulty chewing and speaking to headaches and TMJ. At Olson Orthodontics, we can determine the perfect position for your bite to improve your life on a daily basis. Imagine being able to speak and eat with ease and a life free from pain. We can make that life a reality!

Another common problem comes from crowding. Crowded teeth can be severe enough to affect your bite as well and make teeth hard to clean. Even minor teeth crowding can increase your risk of gingivitis and lead to gum disease if not treated early on. Orthodontic treatment can reduce crowding and make it easier to clean hard-to-reach plaque. This can give you a healthier, whiter smile for life.

Braces also have an aesthetic benefit because they improve the look of your smile. No matter what your age, a beautiful, straight smile can increase your self-confidence and truly change your life.

Don’t put your new smile on hold any longer. Request an appointment today!

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