Graduation Time! Long Term Retention:

You have been out of braces for at least a year and have completed the period of supervised retention!
Although you will need to continue to wear your retainers to keep your teeth straight, you will not need to make regular check-up visits. We are here to help if you have any concerns with your teeth or the retainers.

ONLY YOU can keep your teeth straight from this point on!
There will never be a specific end point to your retention period. A realistic approach is to view retainer wear as necessary to keep your teeth straight for AS LONG AS YOU WANT YOUR TEETH STRAIGHT. Every-night wear is the most ideal, but as you age, less wear may be acceptable.

If you put your retainer in and it feels tight, then you must wear it more often to guide the teeth back into the right position. Some individuals may experience jaw growth that can shift the position of their teeth or their bite. Shifting of our teeth is a life-long occurrence, and each person is affected differently.

If you choose to not wear your retainers on a regular basis, you will have to assume responsibility for any tooth movement. This may mean you would need retreatment AT YOUR EXPENSE. There may be an office visit fee for any future appointments, and there will be a charge for any repairs to your retainer and/or replacement of a lost or broken retainer.

It is a good idea to have your retainers checked periodically (once a year), and always bring in a retainer that does not feel like it fits properly to prevent movement or damage to your teeth.
Retainers are like eyeglasses or other personal items worn daily—they will wear out. In the future, you will need to replace your retainers to make sure your teeth stay straight. How quickly a retainer wears is different for every person. If the wire or plastic breaks or they are looking old and dirty, then it is time for a new retainer. This will be at your expense.
If your wisdom teeth are still present, please have your general dentist monitor them and treat them as necessary.

If you have a bonded retainer in place, it is recommended that you see your dentist every 6 months for an examination and cleaning. IN RARE INSTANCES, BONDED RETAINERS IN COMBINTION WITH UNUSUAL TONGUE OR BITING HABITS HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH TIPPING OF THE TEETH AND ROOTS. You should have this retainer checked once a year by an orthodontist or general dentist.