Today a special spring has been placed onto your braces as part of your treatment plan to correct your bite. This Forsus spring is attached to both the upper and lower braces. The Forsus appliance is working all the time, using continuous gentle forces to provide efficient bite correction. The Forsus appliance will stay in place approximately 6 months or longer until the bite is corrected.
Tips for the Forsus appliance:
• Try not to open your mouth extremely wide. This could allow separation of the Forsus arms.
• The appliance is designed to stay away from your teeth. If for some reason it gets between your teeth, do not bite on it. Call our office if this should occur.
• As with any orthodontic appliance worn inside the mouth, some initial discomfort or irritation may occur. Warm salt-water rinses will help to heal irritations.
• It is very important to let us know if any brackets come loose while the Forsus spring is in place.
• If a piece of the appliance becomes loose, please keep it and bring it with you to your next appointment. If the appliance is broken on multiple occasions, there may be repair or replacement charge.