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February is National Dental Health Month


Did you know that dental health has an entire month dedicated to it? It is so important that we teach young kids the importance of keeping their teeth and mouth healthy because the health of their teeth has a correlation to the health of their body. 

This month, Dr. Lauren will visit some 3rd and 4th grade classes at local schools in O’Fallon to help create awareness about dental health. After she discusses the importance of proper oral hygiene and maintenance, the kids have the opportunity to create a poster of all the things they learned. Olson Orthodontics will also provide supplies for any patients who also would like to participate in constructing their own poster about healthy eating and brushing routines. We then will hang them up in the office and the best poster design will win a prize. We had a great variety last year and are looking forward to what the kids produce this year!

Follow our Facebook page to see pictures of Dr. Lauren’s visits and of posters that come in! 


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