Olson Orthodontics is excited to offer virtual retainer and growth development checks for our existing patients! Please only complete these steps if you have been previously contacted by the office informing you that you are a candidate for a virtual checkup. Not all patients may be able to have a virtual checkup due to needed radiographs or other in-person adjustments that are required. If you are a new patient seeking to schedule a consultation or virtual appointment, please complete our new patient forms.

Retainer Checks

If you do not have any issues or concerns with the fit or questions about how to wear your retainers, we are able to have a virtual appointment for your checkup. We do ask that you text us the three photos described below. Dr. Lauren will use these photos to evaluate the fit of your retainers and will text you back about when your next appointment will be.

Observation Checks

If you are in our observation program awaiting orthodontic treatment, we can also check your growth development virtually! Please take the following photos (without a retainer in place) and text them to us at (618) 624-0800. Dr. Lauren will reply with any recommendations and next steps.

Taking Photos

Text the following three photos to (618) 624-0800 with the patient’s name. A cell phone works fine for taking the pictures, and it is probably best to have a family member or friend help you take them. Please take these photos with your retainers in place. In your text, describe any concerns you are having and how often you are wearing your retainers.

  • Front view of your teeth – show as much of your teeth as possible
  • Right side of your teeth – use your finger to gently pull your gums and cheek back
  • Left side of your teeth – use your finger to gently pull your gums and cheek back

Once you have completed your submission, allow a few days for Dr. Lauren to look at your photos and give any recommendations necessary. She will also let you know when she would like to see you again in person. Call us with any questions!