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Dr. Lauren Olson: In the News with Carrollton Bank

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Have you seen Dr. Olson on the Carrollton Bank commercial?

Dr. Lauren has been recently featured in one of Carrollton Bank’s commercials. It was a unique experience in that during filming of the commercial, she and Laura just sat at a table and talked for 30 minutes. It was not scripted or had any per-set guidelines other than to just sit there and talk!

Dr. Lauren Olson has been with Carrollton Bank for over seven years and she has served on the Advisory Board for the O’Fallon Branch for the last three years. She still attends the board meetings as an alumni member. Dr. Lauren loves her relationship with the bank, and the personal service that her banker, Laura Beckman, provides has been terrific!

To Dr. Lauren, Carrollton Bank feels much like her own business. It is based off one on one interactions, a family friendly atmosphere where you are known and respected, and most of all friendly employees that are ready to serve and make your experience a great one!

Haven’t seen the commercial yet and want to watch it?

Check out the commercial by watching the video below or by clicking this link: Just Call Laura

Dr. Lauren Olson Commercial with Carrollton Bank

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